Friday, April 19, 2013

Smells like....

Well...first I have to apologize to the other attendees at my spin class tonight.  Apparently, when you leave your clean laundry basket full of clothes too close to the kitchen you sauté your delicious garlic and herb chicken in....the scent lingers.

I'm not sure why this wasn't obvious when I packed my bag this morning, but it is now!

Right now, I am having a hard time peeling myself away from watching the live feed on the news as they are tracking the Boston Marathon bomber(s).  Like many others that have been indirectly affected by this horrific event, I am proud of the bravery demonstrated by so many and continually appalled by the devastating actions of these two men.  Hopefully, the families directly involved will be able to get some sort of closure by the end of this evening.

Tomorrow will be another cold and windy spring day and I'm promising myself that I will not complain as I ride, because it might be cold, but it is still a brand new beautiful day.