Sunday, March 13, 2011

Got Skills!

The next few weekends will be filled with long training rides (yeah camp!) or racing, so this weekend was all about getting things in order around the house and spending some quality time with some very important people.

In between the fun stuff (waffles and sleeping in), I did manage some training time...

As you can see, one of my coaches was present to keep me on track...

During my netflix surfing while on the trainer, I came across an interesting movie.  I have to say, time on a trainer tends to drag, but while watching this movie...not so much.  In my life, I have been privileged to come into contact with several individuals that have a gift when it comes to "dance", a skill that I will never have because I lack the ability to find rhythm (anyone who's witnessed me trying to put together a kipping pull-up or t2b can atest to this).

Either way, this is the trailer from the movie itself and I highly recommend checking out the full movie if it peaks your interest, there's notable strength and skill here...

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